Very enjoyable read. Nice setting, vintage sci-fi atmosphere à la Battlestar Galactica (it's set on a space ship with no email and where you can buy coffee and chocolate at a vending machine, with coins!!), awesome characters and a beautiful sexy love story.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to award this book with my special prize:
the Oscar for the best
bye-bye-butt-virginity* scene goes to .. [b:Dark Space|16174363|Dark Space (Dark Space, #1)|Lisa Henry||22023544]!!
All rights reserved to Heather Thanks to my BR group. If I had a transporter, I'd materialize myself to each of you for a hug.
"Beam me up, Scotty!"
I'm kidding, if I had a transporter right now I'd be in Jensen Ackles' shower..

BR with Sofia, Rosa, Otila and Therese.