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Boystown 2: Three More Nick Nowak Mysteries

Boystown 2: Three More Nick Nowak Mysteries - Marshall Thornton
Awesome sequel to [b:Boystown: Three Nick Nowak Mysteries|7386067|Boystown Three Nick Nowak Mysteries|Marshall Thornton|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1261536657s/7386067.jpg|9243139].

The mystery is more dark and somber and the three installments are nicely intertwined. Nick is becoming a more introspective character although his dry humor made me smirk a lot.

Like here:

“Yeah, that's why I unbuckled my belt because I thought he could teach me about weights.”

Or here:

"Can we negotiate this?” I asked the attorney
“You want to negotiate a blowjob?”
“Not the blowjob itself. I think that’s a fine place to start. You didn’t mention other possibilities.”
I smiled at him.
“After that, we’ll do anything you want. How’s that?”

Glimpses’ of Nick’s ex-boyfriend Daniel contribute to a romance aspect which I was not expecting.

I smiled. A while later, I asked, “Did that mean anything? What we did? Or was it just another way of saying good-bye?” He studied me, then said, “I hope it meant something. I hope it meant hello again.”

4 totally deserved stars